Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Download Hurricane Preparedness Checklist (.pdf)

Turtle Season, Red Snapper Season, Scallop Season, etc all of these are seasons people look forward to, get excited about and are happy to experience. However, there is another season that has just the opposite affect on people: Hurricane Season.

Hurricane Season runs from June 1 to November 30. Unlike some natural disasters, though, people can have a good game plan, in which, if a strong enough hurricane does strike, people can be reasonably prepared to function if power and water are not immediately made available after the storm.

With that in mind, attached is a simple Hurricane Preparedness Checklist. This basic checklist can prove to be invaluable if or when a hurricane makes landfall. Here are 5 tips to help reduce stress in the event of a hurricane (See Infographic Below):

  • Medical Supplies: Have at least 30 days worth of medicine and medical supplies set aside. Prescriptions should be filled well before the storm hits.
  • Money: Have cash on hand. With no electricity or power, ATMs and credit cards will not work.
  • Car & Gasoline: Fill up your vehicle and possibly a gas can. If the power goes out, you will be unable to get gas. Also, if you have a generator, fill it up with gas.
  • Batteries & Communication: Make sure that cell phones, tablets, radios, etc are all fully charged and that there are backups of batteries.
  • Food & Water: There should be enough food and water to last each person for a week.

There are also other factors that you may wish to consider and become familiar with such as the evacuation routes, the contact information of various emergency or law enforcement establishments, etc. Pertaining to Gulf County, FL, important local contact information would include:

For more in depth and thorough information on hurricane preparedness, please visit the National Hurricane Center and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) websites.